Sailboats and Birds at Point Roberts

This is a short post for yet another visit to the Point.This one is quite different from the last as it starts off with sailboats.

On a windy winter day, it's not unusual to see one or more sailboats coming round the point. It must be very cold, but the sailors seem to enjoy it.

Off to the right of the boat is a Harlequin Duck.

The next shot has more action including some ducks flying around in the foreground. I did not notice them while taking the photo, and had a pleasant surprise when I got home and looked at the photo close up.

Long-tailed Ducks - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA - 2019 Bird #56

These are one of my favourite duck species, perhaps because I see them so rarely and seldom get a good photo. This is a crop of the photo above.

Long-tailed Ducks - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA

Much easier to see is the Harlequin Duck. Here's two shots of a multi-coloured male.

Harlequin Duck - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA

Harlequin Duck - Lighthouse Marine Park, Point Roberts WA

One more shot of the sailboat and I called it a day.