August 2019 - Backyard Photos

This post is a summary of birds seen in our backyard in the month of August.

August 4

I'll start off this post with a common Butterfly, taken with the Nikon Coolpix. This camera is great for zooming on on slow-moving or still targets.

Cabbage White Butterfly - Backyard, North Delta BC

The goldfinches continue to rule the backyard. They seem to be moulting into their basic (non-breeding) plumage.

American Goldfinch - Backyard, North Delta BC

I'm not sure what this House Finch is doing with this material. It's too late for nest building.

House Finch (F) - Backyard, North Delta BC

August 9

Here's a photo of the bird bath and drip in its final configuration.

This male Goldfinch appears to be moulting into basic plumage.

American Goldfinch - Backyard, North Delta BC

Here he is again with a slightly out of focus Pine Siskin. This is one of the drawbacks of using a telephoto lens. Even though the birds are close together, the camera has the upper bird in focus and the other not quite sharp.

American Goldfinch and Pine Siskin - Backyard, North Delta BC

One last shot on this day, a Chickadee.

Black-capped Chickadee - Backyard, North Delta BC

August 12

More of the same birds a few days later:

American Goldfinch and Black-capped Chickadee - Backyard, North Delta BC

Here's a decent close-up of the Goldfinch.

American Goldfinch - Backyard, North Delta BC

I quite like these photos of a Pine Siskin having a drink.

Pine Siskin - Backyard, North Delta BC

Pine Siskin - Backyard, North Delta BC

August 18

Only one photo from this day, a spider hanging around near the hummingbird feeder. A dangerous place to stay.

August 24

These are the first photos of our resident hummingbird taken with my new Canon 80D camera.

Anna's Hummingbird - Backyard, North Delta BC

Anna's Hummingbird - Backyard, North Delta BC

I've used the Apples in our backyard Apple tree to calibrate my cameras. This is also with the 80D. The apples look really good but we've tested them over the years and they are too firm and quite sour. Might be good for making a pie.

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